Why you shouldn’t just run for it… 5 things you need to get right for your marketing to work!
We are all full of surprises and I am most surprised when I surprise myself. When was the last time you surprised yourself? For me it was only a few days ago. Let’s rewind a few months. Like everyone else I entered the New Year with a few goals intended to...
Take Five… with Kerry Marchbank by Kerry Marchbank
In this blog I take a giant step towards craziness and introduce you to the person behind Zest Marketing… that would be me, Kerry Marchbank. If there is something you would specifically like to know that I haven’t covered, please get in contact…

Get in position for a great performance – 6 reasons why you need to be part of the gig economy
A new infographic published by OnStride Financial highlights 5 ways that freelancers are transforming the economy. In my opinion this is well worth a look (I’ve included it below). Having just emerged from a “real job” back to freelancing, I have stumbled upon a...